The 2024 Falcon Ridge Folk Festival will be held July 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2024, with a pre-festival tastings and farm market day on July 25th, 2024, all at the Goshen Fairgrounds, in Goshen, Connecticut.
Here is our complete performance schedule! Day by day, stage by stage.
Our 2023 Mainstage LiveStream can be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Donations to the festival for the LiveStream or other can be made via Paypal.me, Venmo (web), or from the Venmo app: @FalconRidgeFolks), or by check, made out to “Falcon Ridge Folk Festival” and sent to: Falcon Ridge FF, POB 144, Sharon CT 06069.
It’s easy to join our mailing list – that’s where you’ll hear all of the news about the festival first! (Make sure to add “announcements@falconridgefolk.com” to your list of trusted e-mail addresses.)
We’d love to have you fill our our audience survey!
If you have any other questions about the festival, please contact us via e-mail.
A big “thank you!” to our wonderful sponsors!