
Stay tuned right here or visit us on Facebook for updates on performers booked for our 37th annual Falcon Ridge Folk Festival on July 25th, 26th & 27th.
Fest faves Nerissa & Katryna Nields, the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, The Storycrafters, The Gaslight Tinkers, Tony Trischka’s Earl Jam, Sam Robbins and others are planning to return this year along with many new faces. We will be expanding our Dance Barn offerings as well this year.
Our full performance schedule will be posted HERE.
Music hours this year are 10 AM to 10 PM.
Gates will open daily at 9 AM.
Early camping will open Wednesday afternoon, July 23rd.
We will have FOUR stages this year, Main, Workshop, Dance & Family plus our community music area, the CIRCLE OF SONG at the gazebo. Note that our expanded DANCE program is once again in its own space in Building B.
The TNM Stage will be hosted once again by Scotten Jones working with Kathy Sands-Boehmer as curator. Kathy has successfully booked the Me and Thee Coffeehouse for many years and is now heading up Harbortown Music. The TMN stage had its beginnings as a campgrounds event hosted by Tribal Mischief Productions with tech director Scotten Jones. The schedule for this year’s TNM Stage will be posted here when available.
The THREE top audience-voted 2024 showcasers, ALEX RADUS, TINA ROSS & LOUIE LOU LOUIS have been invited to the 2025 MOST WANTED SONG SWAP. Several Preview Tour dates are planned as well, see below.

Much thanks to our 2024 showcase judges, Singer/Songwriter Carolann Solebello from NYC, Hannah Stirzaker from Caffe Lena in Saratoga Srings NY & Ron Olesko from Folk Music Notebook. Big thanks as always to our mainstage coordinator Donna Grande and showcase wrangler Don Beesley. Kudos to Dan Tappan on another very successful livestream as well as creating and maintaining our online audience survey. And a very special, heartfelt THANK YOU to GRASSY HILL ENTERTAINMENT for their continued sponsorship of the EA Showcase and the festival.
The deadline to apply for this year’s showcase is May 20th, see all info and the SUBMIT link below. Check online for any deadline extensions. The list of selected showcase 2025 artists will be posted HERE.
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Booking/Showcasing Guidelines
We begin booking every year by November, at that time we have gone thru and carefully tabulated all our audience surveys & begin with those requests in mind. Updated details on submissions can be found year round in this PERFORMERS section of our website. We accept EMERGING ARTIST SHOWCASE submissions online only thru Submittable, an online application processing platform. We will consider SELECT feature subs for 2025 via e-mail ONLY this year. To be considered, please send an e-mail with SUBJECT LINE: FRFF 2024 FEATURE ARTIST SUBMISSION to the Artistic Director, Anne Saunders, at Please include a short artist bio, contact info, which stage or stages you are seeking to play, an artist photo and links to 3 songs or videos. We plan to complete all feature booking by mid April. See more info below.
The GRASSY HILL EMERGING ARTIST SHOWCASE is open to all performers who have not showcased with us in the last 2 years, and will not be appearing in any other capacity including sideperson or special guest in the current year. This is a 2 song or 10 minute spot on our Main Stage on Friday afternoon. We have 15 showcase spots. Deadline to apply is May 20th. See submission LINK below.
There is a $20 Showcase application fee.
Selected showcase artists appear in the program book, are assisted by our excellent stage & sound crew and may have their mailing list and merch in our sales tent. While there is no compensation for this showcase, artists receive full fest admission, on-site camping and meals for the entire festival plus one guest pass per act.
The showcase is not a contest. However, the audience is surveyed as to which THREE showcase artists they wish to see return to the Most Wanted Song Swap (MWSS) at FRFF the following year. Three to four artists are invited to return for this feature spot. The showcase and song swap are an opportunity to be seen and heard in a large amphitheater setting with many folk fans, presenters, agents and media in attendance. A committee of 3 music professionals review submissions and make selections. The only criteria are high quality performances of interesting, well-crafted, acoustic based material. It need not be original.
All showcase applicants will be notified by June 1st. More details on production, merchandise & camping will be sent to all selected artists.
Falcon Ridge Artistic Director
Anne Saunders